Membership is open to Malaysian citizens. Anyone who is suitably qualified, can also apply to be members.
The categories of members are:
Ordinary membership is open to Malaysian citizen, fully qualified pharmacist who works or stays in Sabah.
Associate Membership is open to pharmacy student and anyone who is suitably qualifies, interested and willing to obey the objectives of the society.
Life membership is open to any ordinary member who subscribes a sum of RM2000.00 to the society payable withint a year.
Honorary Membership - The society may confer honorary membership on such person, who has done exceptional work in the fields of pharmacy and allied sciences or who has rendered meritorious services to the society. Not withstanding anything stated to the contrary in the constitution, honorary members (except those honored from ordinary members) shall neither be entitled to vote at any meeting nor be elected to the committee.
Every application for membership shall be proposed and seconded by two existing members and shall be forwarded to the secretary who shall at the first convinient opportunity, submit it to the committee for approval. The committee may at its discretion reject any application without assigning any reason therefore.
Every applicant whose registration has been approved as aforesaid shall, upon payment of the prescribed entrance fee and annual subscription, be admitted as a member of the society and shall be entitled to all privileges of membership.
All members shall have to abide by the constitution of the society.
Ordinary members are entitled to vote in any meeting.
All members shall be entitled to the use of whatever facilities or services made available by the executive committee.
Ordinary members shall be eligible for appointment by the executive committee to represent the society in any statutory board, public body or institution.
No university or university college shall be admitted as a member of the society without prior written consent of the vice chancellor of the university concerned.
Resignation and Termination
Any member who wishes to resign from the society shall give two (2) weeks notice in writing to the secretary and shall pay up all dues.
Any member who fails to comply with the rules of the society or has acted in a manner to bring disrepute upon the society may be expelled or suspended for a period of time as the committee deems fit. Before the committee expels or suspends the member, the member shall be informed of the grounds for such expulsion or suspension in writing and be given an opportunity to explain and absolve herself in person. Such suspension or expulsion shall be enfored, unless otherwise reversed by General Meeting upon appeal by the said member.